- A+
mysql是以mysql用户身份运行的,对/home /mybackup不可写也会失败
脚本放在 /home/user/mysql_backup.sh
# crontab -l
# m h dom mon dow command
28 16 * * * /home/user/mysql_backup.sh
- #!/bin/sh
- # mysql_backup.sh: backup mysql databases and keep newest 5 days backup.
- #
- # Last updated: 20 March 2006
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This is a free shell script under GNU GPL version 2.0 or above
- # Copyright (C) 2006 Sam Tang
- # Feedback/comment/suggestions : http://www.real-blog.com/
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # your mysql login information
- # db_user is mysql username
- # db_passwd is mysql password
- # db_host is mysql host
- # -----------------------------
- db_user="root"
- db_passwd="password"
- db_host="localhost"
- # the directory for story your backup file.
- backup_dir="/home/mybackup"
- # date format for backup file (dd-mm-yyyy)
- time="$(date +"%d-%m-%Y")"
- # mysql, mysqldump and some other bin's path
- MYSQL="/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql"
- MYSQLDUMP="/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump"
- MKDIR="/bin/mkdir"
- RM="/bin/rm"
- MV="/bin/mv"
- GZIP="/bin/gzip"
- # check the directory for store backup is writeable
- test ! -w $backup_dir && echo "Error: $backup_dir is un-writeable." && exit 0
- # the directory for story the newest backup
- test ! -d "$backup_dir/backup.0/" && $MKDIR "$backup_dir/backup.0/"
- # get all databases
- all_db="$($MYSQL -u $db_user -h $db_host -p$db_passwd -Bse 'show databases')"
- for db in $all_db
- do
- $MYSQLDUMP -u $db_user -h $db_host -p$db_passwd $db | $GZIP -9 > "$backup_dir/backup.0/$time.$db.gz"
- done
- # delete the oldest backup
- test -d "$backup_dir/backup.5/" && $RM -rf "$backup_dir/backup.5"
- # rotate backup directory
- for int in 4 3 2 1 0
- do
- if(test -d "$backup_dir"/backup."$int")
- then
- next_int=`expr $int + 1`
- $MV "$backup_dir"/backup."$int" "$backup_dir"/backup."$next_int"
- fi
- done
- exit 0;
mysql是以mysql用户身份运行的,对/home /mybackup不可写也会失败
chmod 777 /home/mybackup问题解决了